医療導入機、90%吸収可能。 注射とほぼ同じ効果。
Acthyderm is a revolutionary system for transdermally delivering product into the body. Introduced to Europe in 2000 by Microlab Biomedical of Italy, Acthyderm (A-thi-derm; meaning active skin) is now available. Acthyderm is used throughout Europe by doctors to non-surgically repair and rejuvenate the skin. An Acthyderm treatment is simple, safe and pleasant. It begins with electroporation, the principal method of Acthyderm. Electroporation is applied with a special pen that stimulates the skin to temporarily become more permeable. The skin looks and feels no differently since the treatment occurs on a cellular level. This allows Acthyderm to deliver large volumes of product deep into the skin with the roller applicator. Acthyderm does all of this safely, painlessly and without trauma to the area.
The patented transdermal electrodiffusion system delivers large volumes of skin rejuvenation product through the outer layer, down to the deepest layers of the skin.
Normal skin care treatments have product penetration of about 10%. Electroporation opens up tiny channels in the startum corneum, allowing properly charged medicinal particles to enter the subcutaneous tissue at the controlled depth levels. By using the electrorepulsion system, Acthyderm achieves an absorption rate of over 90%, which is unmatched by any other diffusion system. Results are immediately visible and are best sustained by a series of treatments that ensures the basal layers of the skin receive the active product they need to repair themselves. By using Acthyderm on the face, fine lines and wrinkles can plumped up with a hyaluronic cocktail and the tightening produced by stimulating the muscles creates the effect of a non-surgical facelift.
Acthyderm delivers:
* Lipolytics to break down the content of fat cells
* Anti-inflammatories to help drainage of the area
* Products to increase micro circulation and heal damaged blood vessels
* Anti-fibrotics to break down the fibre networks.
* They will also loosen the constricted fibrous strands so they rearrange and contract as the inflammation subsides.
An Acthyderm treatment is simple, safe and relaxing. It begins with electroporation, the principal method of Acthyderm. Electroporation is applied with a special pen that stimulates the skin to temporarily become more permeable. First an electrical current stimulates the dermis to open up tiny channels to the deeper layers of the skin. Then, before the channels close up a couple of minutes later, therapeutic ingredients are rolled into the treatment area.
This allows Acthyderm to deliver large volumes of product deep into the skin with the roller applicator. The roller applicator looks much like a common deodorant roller. It’s much more effective as well because the product goes exactly where it is needed most. This method allows even large molecule cosmeceuticals to go deep into the skin for facial rejuvenation, cellulite reduction, hyper pigmentation and much more.
During treatment, the operator alternates three or four times between the pen and the roller and after 20 to 30 minutes, that’s it. The initial effect of a face treatment is a very thorough hydration of the skin and a smoother, more youthful look. However, the goal of Acthyderm is rejuvenation through the stimulation of fibroblasts so a course of treatments to achieve this effect would be 8-10 followed by monthly maintenance. Depending on the grade of cellulite, a series would be similar, though the products being delivered in this case are designed to break down the encapsulated fat.
The patented transdermal electrodiffusion system delivers large volumes of skin rejuvenation product through the outer layer, down to the deepest layers of the skin.
The primary focus of electroporation is the stratum corneum, the main barrier of the skin. Once this layer is open it’s very easy to penetrate deeper. However, as thin as this layer is, it presents an incredibly efficient obstacle. It’s our protective coating that keeps us alive and very little can penetrate it.
Once the skin is opened up with electropores, ingredients are administered. This is done using the roller and ‘electrorepulsion’. Electrorepulsion is a common technique which makes use of positive-positive repulsion similar to when you try to put two magnets together.
The electrorepulsion circuit follows a similar course as electroporation except that it flows from the other channel. While the pen delivers current directly onto the skin with the steel tip, the roller conducts current to the skin via the product being delivered.
The product has a positive charge, the current coming into the roller has a positive charge and when they meet the product is repulsed into the electropores. Because of the nature of electropores, both ions and molecules are diffused into the skin. When the positively charged product is repelled into the skin, it is pulled along the electropores by the attraction of the negatively charged black patch. The result is a thorough saturation of the targeted area with product.
No needles: Especially effective for patients uncomfortable with needles.
Immediate results
Ease of application
Acthyderm can be used to treat the following conditions:
- Wrinkles
- Face lift
- Neck lift
- Hyperpigmentations
- Acne
- Keloids
- Scars
- Stretch marks
- Cellulite
- Localized fat accumulation
- Age spots
- Skin rejuvenation
- Double chin
- Dark undereye circles
- Joint and muscle pain